Are You Ready to Create and Sustain the Love You Want?
Obtain scientifically accurate information about your relationship skills and find out the skill level of a potential partner before you find out the hard way!
The LFI Assessment is a powerful way to quickly move from a surface discussion to the core, deeper issues that reveal your strength and weaknesses in your ability to develop and sustain intimate loving relationships.
Stop Sabotaging Yourself!
Become more effective in creating the relationships you want.
The LFI is more than a test which gives you a score. It can be a “Sacred Process: A Pathway to the Self” when approached with an honest desire and the courage to introspect and look within.
The LFI will transform your coaching process. You will quickly identify core issues and deepen your personal exploration and understanding of those areas and blind spots that block you from greater happiness and fulfillment.
A depth of love and wisdom resides within. When we fail to realize our true nature, we cannot fully love and respect ourselves. Until we awaken to the love that is within, we cannot create that love in our lives. The Love Factor Inventory Process is really a pathway to the Self. It can be a process to transcend the ego and embrace the soul, not as an abstraction, but a true realization and experience of love. However, we must confront and move through our fear in order to realize our greater Self.
The greatest skill in coaching is to be able to ask the “right” questions. The LFI can be a guided process to deepen self-exploration, self-understanding, and transformation. It is difficult to change and transform what we don’t know: Awareness gives us Personal Power! The LFI Process combines the best of both psychological and spiritual approaches. It is not enough to know WHAT we have to do, we need to know HOW to do it.
These conversations are life changing!
Would you like to learn more and see how the LFI can be integrated into your coaching practice?
It is possible to improve your skills and enhance your ability to develop and sustain meaningful and loving relationships. The LFI is designed to deepen your insight, provide direction for self-improvement, and transform your life!
Take the FREE LFI Introspective Guide now to begin your exploration to Create and Sustain the Love you want!
The LFI is designed to provide deep insights into one’s readiness and availability for intimate loving relationships. It does a good job at that. However, there is also a deeper level of information imbedded in the results about one’s depth of spiritual development and the extent to which an individual can successfully manifest his/her degree of spiritual realization into everyday life.
Learn about the important relationship between your spiritual development and the following scales:
“Simply stated, Dr. Ron Mann’s Love Factor Inventory (LFI) is a uniquely sophisticated self-assessment that provides invaluable insight to an individual’s capacity to love. The design of the assessment holistically targets the most important and most universal aspects of a healthy, wholesome and thriving relationship. It provides specific results that validates the individual’s strengths and points out areas that warrant a significant degree of development. The LFI recognizes the physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual qualities that we all possess and its impact on the dynamics of relationships.
After taking the LFI, I was amazed at how accurate my report described the level of impression and expression I bring to my relationships, specifically my spouse and my friends. Among the results, I was given insight to two out of the thirteen elements that were below average. Although I did not expect to score so low in those areas, I found the rationale in the results to be a recognizable trait and I became cognizant of the implications. The report, in its totality, provided me with the encouragement to sustain the strengths that I was shown to have and also to make a sincere effort to strengthen the areas I need to develop.
Not only do I appreciate and respect the LFI as a tool to develop one’s capacity to love in a given relationship, I marvel at its potential to invoke empathy and caring on a much broader scale.”
~ Dr. Paul Mohr, Jr.
All the information you need:
Scale Descriptions
Interpretive Guide
Guide for Further Growth and Development
Glossary of Terms