Love Factor Inventory Introspective Guide


LFI Introspective Guide

This is a guide using real items from the Love Factor Inventory to help you self-reflect and introspect about your relationship skills

  • Thanks for your interest in the LFI and your personal development. Remember, this is not a test and your percentile score does not indicate a pass or fail. Your response to the various items are designed to focus your attention on your beliefs and behaviors as they relate to your relationship skills. We encourage you to review your responses and consider how you might deepen your capacity to more meaningfully engage with those closest to you.

    If you do want detailed results regarding your relationship skills, based upon our national database, you must take the complete LFI Assessment. The LFI results will help you understand how your stand in relationship to the general U.S. population.

    Let’s face it, none of us are perfect. So it is very unlikely that you would be in the 100 percentile in this guide. If you do respond and fall in the 80 percentile or above, then you probably have some pretty good relationship skills. This percentile score does not compare you to anyone else. It only represents how you responded.

    If your percentile score is below 80%, then you might want to consider taking the complete LFI with the normative scores and the complete interpretive report. This will give you more detailed information regarding different dimensions in you capacity to develop and sustain intimate relationships. The LFI is well standardized and compares your scores on the various scale to our national sample.

    In addition, You will also have access to very helpful information regarding ways to improve and enhance your functioning in all areas measured by the LFI.

    We also have a couples' version which gives you four (4) assessments. You rate yourself and your partner, and your partner rates herself/himself and you. This helps you understand your self-perception and how others view you. Often times, there is a difference between the two. It provides a very helpful, safe and structured way to communicate, explore, and enhance your relationships.

    You can find the enrollment button to access either the individual self-assessment or the Couples' Package on the Sidebar on the left.

    Once again, thanks so much for your interest in the LFI and your personal development.

    Please look at the end of this page to see a link for a special gift.

    Best wishes,

    Ronald L. Mann, Ph.D.
  • This is your percentile score based upon a top score of 80.
  • Please Review Your Responses to Fully Understand and Reflect Upon Your Results
  • I want to give you a special gift for taking the Introspective Guide. Here is a link to my guided meditation, "Inspiration for Meditation." There are many ways to open your heart and deepen your capacity for love. One of the best methods, is to meditation deeply and awaken your spiritual realization to the vast love of Spirit that resides within you. This 30 minutes guided meditation will take you deeper into your essential nature, your soul. Please come back again and again to listen to this meditation. Inspiration for Meditation
  • ©2021 Copyright. Ronald L. Mann, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved

Please Read the Following

THIS IS NOT A TEST!  This is an opportunity to introspect and self-reflect on ways you relate to others.  The following items are taken from the Love Factor Inventory. They include items from every scale, so they can be useful to help you think about and reflect on your behavior. This is not a test, so you cannot pass or fail. Anytime we become aware of our behavior, the mere process of conscious awareness and reflection can set into motion forces for growth, development, and change.

The final results from the Love Factor Inventory do provide scientific data to help you understand how you compare to people across America. You can learn about your strengths and challenges in the dimensions we have identified as impacting your capacity to develop and sustain loving relationships.  The intent of the LFI is to help you become more aware, introspect, and identify directions for change.

This Introspective Guide gives you an opportunity to see how this process can work.

Please rate each item and you will receive a final percentile score. Let’s face it, none of us are perfect. So it is very unlikely that you would be in the 100% in this guide.  If you do respond and fall in the 85 percentile or above, then you probably have some pretty good relationship skills.

In summary, the value of this free introspective guide is to get you started on an introspective process which can enhance your relationship skills. It might be helpful to ask others close to you how they perceive you. This type of feedback can be an eye opener!

Most of us often wonder how we compare to others. Since the LFI is based upon national norms, your results will have greater meaning. You will have a better idea about your strengths and the areas of your functioning that could use some work. Please consider taking the complete Love Factor Inventory to dive into this process of self-discovery and awakening.

Once you complete this questionnaire and submit the form, you will see your results. You will be sent a PDF report to your email. Please check your junk mail if you don’t see it in your regular folder.

By completing this form, you give permission for us to save your email and add it to our Newsletter List. Your information will not be shared with any third party.

For a complete understanding of your relationship skills, please complete the full Love Factor Inventory. You can sign up NOW.