Science Behind the LFI


The Love Factor Inventory was standardized on a sample of 1933 subjects (Males N=721 and Females N=l,148) from across the United States and Vancouver, Canada.

Females scored higher on the various scales than males. The means, standard deviations, and tests of signifi­cance of difference are presented in Table D 1 of Appen­dix D. Due to the significant difference between males and females, the Love Capacity scale results are com­puted differently for men and women, and the percentile scores are computed separately for each group as well.

Using the Spearman rank order procedure, positive correlations were found between age and nine of the scales (Mann & Braun-Smith, 1990a). In this study the authors suggested that love appears to be a learned ability that improves with maturity.

Those individuals involved in personal development experi­ences, i.e., psychotherapy, growth experiences, etc. score higher on the scales, and those people who came from divorced families score lower on the scales.

Although there is a high degree of relationship between the scales, the selection of the items for each scale does have internal consistency that relates specifically to the concepts of each scale.

Research indicated good concurrent validity and positive correlations were found between Personal Orientation Inventory scales and LFI Scales:  Self-Respect, Psychological Adjustment, Masculine/Feminine, Spirituality, and the Love Capacity scale.